Photo Restoration Examples

These are photo restoration examples. We do all sorts of restoration and recovery of photos, some involving very simple procedures and sometimes a great deal of micro level artwork.

I do all sorts of photography, including real estate, portraits and commercial. But many of these endeavors never invoke emotions from customers. I never know when even a portrait, a graduation ceremony or wedding will really trigger a strong emotion way into the future. However, I always know that when someone pays me to restore an old, beloved photo, it has a great deal of meaning to them. This is probably why photo restoration is one of my favorite jobs. I enjoy knowing that what I am doing means so much to the client.


Sometimes we begin with a photo that’s not that bad, but not very large and does have some issues. This is a good example. The original photo was about 3 inches by 4 1/2 inches. It was enlarged to look good being up to a 17-inch by 19-inch canvas and coloration within the photo corrected.

Small, problematic photo of woman Restored and Enhanced photo of Woman

Enlarged and Enhance Photo Of Woman

This photo was considerably enlarged and corrected for various color issues and some dust and scratchers.

Other Examples can be more complex, particularly when photos are very old, or also in this case, if there are multiple people.

Original Harvey Girls photo Restored and enhanced Harvey Girls

Harvey Girls Photo from early 1900s

Harvey House Girls from the early 1900s restored and ewnhanced

This is another example of a photo restoration example that can be very complex, in this case because the photo has been torn apart while removing it from its frame.

Original Wedding Photo torn from removal from frame Restored Wedding Photo

Badly Damaged Photo

A wedding photo badly damaged after removing from frame.

Side Views and unusual poses can create enhancement problems. Much more artwork is required to get a good image of the face as typical AI based restoration software does not work.

Bend Over to Kiss Original Bend Over to Kiss Restored

Side Views and unusual Poses

Unusual Poses can create difficult enhancement

This is a case of extreme photo recovery. The first photo is how we received the photo. The second one is the way I sent it back. This photo required considerable micro level artwork and interpolation. Of course, it would have helped to have had a better scan or access to the original. But in this case, we had to work with what we had.

This was a highly damaged photo on 1/4 inch film that was restored to a large format photo

Original of a highly damaged 1/4 film photo Restored version of couple originally from a 1/4 inch film

Highly damaged restore from film.

A highly damaged photo on 1/4 film restored to a large format print